Displaying 1 to 9 of 9

A Conversation on Food and Eating with Dr Robert McKay (Sheffield) and Dr Ruth Cruickshank (LLC)
11 Feb 2020Our series of lunchtime research seminars continues with this conversation on the cultural, ethical, social and other meanings of food and eating.

Bright, dusky, bright: On poetry translation
This lecture explores the process of literary translation, drawing on the speaker’s extensive experience as a literary translator from Finnish.

Celebrating the Work of Colin Davis: A Symposium
6 Jul 2021On 6 July the School of Humanities at Royal Holloway, University of London, is hosting an online symposium to celebrate the work of Professor Colin Davis.

Inside Story
27 May 2021The book group in which we read novels, poetry and general non-fiction written by RHUL School of Humanities academic staff.

Lisa Downing on ‘(S)extremism’
5 Feb 2020‘(S)extremism: Imagining Violent Women in the 21st Century with Navine G. Khan-Dossos and Julia Kristeva’.

Sports photography colloquium (date TBC)
A one-day colloquium at the Centre for Visual Cultures, Royal Holloway, University of London, postponed from June 2020. Watch for further details.

Steven Marsh on Spanish cinema
12 Feb 2020The Centre for Visual Cultures welcomes Professor Steven Marsh, who will discuss Spanish surrealist and politically committed cinematic traditions.

Dr Hilary Potter on the Berlin Rosenstrasse Protest
25 Feb 2021Visualising Palimpsestic Memories of the Berlin Rosenstrasse Protest (1943) Through the Medium of Photography. Organised by the Centre for Visual Cultures.

Translating wor(l)ds and why it matters - Writing and publishing in translation in the UK today
22 Jan 2020In conversation: the prizewinning writer and translator Daniel Hahn